My husband bought the most adorable little golf club sets for the boys a few years ago. Robert has had a few lessons, but Carter just likes to whack at the ball.

All three of them are hackers.

This weekend, we enjoyed the links as a family.

Brian played, Robert and Carter teed off and also practiced several putts on the green. They enjoy that elusive moment of actually putting the ball in the hole. They like to dig their ball out of the hole again and again in order to sink another putt from 10 inches away. Each moment is glorious for them, they raise their hands in the air like Phil Mickelson or Tiger Woods after winning the Masters. I got to snap a few photos.
Robert did have a great moment.

He shot his ball over water to land on the green. It was beautiful. Much fist pumping and little boy and proud daddy bravado ensued.
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